September 27, 1985
Lucky Color:
oh yeke?baru tau..haha
Personality Strengths:
Strength (power, force, potency),
Compassion (sympathy, empathy, concern, kindness, care)
ni ke kekuatan ak?
Personality Weakness(es):
Eccentricity (strangeness, weirdness, unconventional behavior)
(pelik sgt ke ak? haha)
Successful Career Path:
(biar benar?1st time wat bju anak patung..
pastu kurung kedah ms KH kt sekolah..last ms wat2 costume teater zaman kt U je)
Sense of Humor Style:
(frenly ke ak? ak ni pendiam lagi penyegan la..huhu)
Adjectives to Describe You:
adventurous (risky, courages, exploratory, daring)
adventurous (risky, courages, exploratory, daring)
industrious (hardworking, productive, busy)
(ada ke ciri ni kt ak? camtu ke ak?haha)
(ada ke ciri ni kt ak? camtu ke ak?haha)
You are a complete paradox as a person -
innocent, yet experienced;
fragile, yet strong on the inside;
normal, yet unique;
creative, yet organized;
optimistic, yet realistic!
Certainly a very interesting person -
you possess several qualities
that people often thought were mutually exclusive.
Aku tetap Aku
Selamat Tahun Baru 2010:
Semoga hari ini lebih baik dari semalam.