~Dance is your pulse, your heartbeat, your breathing. It's the rhythm of your life. It's the expression in time and movement, in happiness, joy, sadness and envy.~ Jaques D'ambroise

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

dancing to a new life in putrajaya

hope to be a new me here...

view from the department ....

working late till night ...hoping to forget every sadness

new task ...new knowledge to be absorb...

view from the apartment...new places..new life

If your success is not on your own terms,
if it looks good to the world but
does not feel good in your heart,
it is not success at all...


Saiful Ramadzan said...

tahniah kerja baru....

♥MALIN♥ said...

lyana..keje ape skrg kt putrajaya?
eh..21hb ni kite test ptd lg. aritu failed.hahaha~~~ any tips?
sooooo malas nk read la

LiYaNa2709 said...

owh...terima kasih ...hehu

LiYaNa2709 said...

owh...terima kasih ...hehu

Anonymous said...

nlar...bestnye quarters ko..duk sorg ke?nnt blh la tmpg kalu g kl..hikhikhik